Sunday, September 14, 2014

Has it Really Been a Year Already?

I told myself last August that I'd be a better crafty business blogger. I'd give my Elephant Dust Handmade business a bigger media presence. I've done at least one of those things in the past year.

If you look up ELEPHANTDUST on Instagram or, or you would know this. But this blog has sat neglected for a year, metaphorical tumble weeds blowing through it like a ghost town.

You wouldn't know it from here, but a lot has occurred in the past year, both for Elephant Dust Handmade, and for myself in my other lines of work.

Since the last post (My first craft show in years, as Elephant Dust Handmade), I've attended my first Patchwork, joined the Academy of Handmade Artists and Supporters (as Elephant Dust Handmade), volunteered at the Etsy Craft Party with Creative Outlet Studios, taught several more workshops at The Makery and shot an awesome video for Epson detailing my creative work using the new Epson Ribbon Cartridges (video soon to follow). I've also co-taught a Vision Boarding workshop with and made some new stuff happen at

New stuff like this:

As for myself, outside of Elephant Dust Handmade, I got hired onto the Install Crew at the Long Beach Museum of Art, picked up some new clients for studio assistant work, continued to assist at Kristin Dunn Bookbinding and Design and got hired to teach bookbinding classes at Angel's Gate Cultural Center, adopted a cat with my boyfriend, attended and made guestbooks for several Summer weddings and bought a plethora of houseplants.

It's been a busy year, and I wish My blog had reflected that in tiny, image-filled increments. How do you wear many hats and keep an active blog for at least a few of those hats? I would love to know how it's done!

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