Saturday, September 27, 2008

Missed Connections

This book is my social documentation of a selection of real missed connections I've found on Craigslist, framed by found vintage advertising woodcuts. (click on each image to enlarge and read)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Still There (a one page book)

I had a dream, that I lost all my teeth...

pulled out all my hair...

But it didn't matter,

You were still there.

Friday, May 9, 2008

"Frankie and Evelynn"

Front cover is mixed media: constructed from a piece of retired 1995 printed computer board, Titled with letter beads and embellished with a gold heart pendant.

Cover detail (my apologies for the poor quality photo- the book is currently undergoing a re-editing job, and will be professionally documented once reprinted).

Frankie, an eccentric young professional with an interest in science and a knack for mechanical engineering, but lack of proper social skills, goes to work creating himself a girlfriend...

He is quite pleased with the results, and names her Evelynn.

The only thing that Evelynn can feel is a sense of misgiving: that she is merely an elegant machine.

This is just a small selection of the illustration, and a plot synopsis/teaser. More to come!